Performance & Screenings
Film Screening Gowanus Broadside
26 May 2016

Participants: Jean-Philippe Antoine, Colin Browne
Please join us at the Or Gallery for a discussion with Jean-Philippe Antoine and Colin Browne followed by a screening of Mikael Levin’s 2014 film Gowanus Broadside with sound by Antoine.
Gowanus Broadside is a portrait of the Gowanus Canal, a two-mile-long waterway that extends from the Bay of New York to the south of Brooklyn. Once a marsh and then the principle cargo port of the borough, the canal quickly became one of the most polluted bodies of water in the United States. The film follows the marginal spaces bordering the length of the canal, vestiges of a centre of economic activity, and records the spatial and sonorous qualities of the waterway’s cut into the urban space.
This event is presented in collaboration with the Charles H. Scott Gallery at Emily Carr University.
Participant Bios
Jean-Philippe Antoine
Jean-Philippe Antoine is an artist from Paris. He works with painting, installations, sound and lectures/performances, including collaborations with Leif Elggren and Mikael Levin. Sound publications include The Worried Ones (Antoine-Elggren) Live at 64 (2013), Nouvelles musiques anciennes (CD, 2011) and Objet Métal Esprit (EP, 2010), all at Firework Edition Records.
Antoine is Professor of Aesthetics and Contemporary Art Theory at Paris 8 University. His research focuses on images and the social construction of memory, as well as modern definitions of art. His publications include La traversée du XXe siècle. Joseph Beuys, l’image et le souvenir (Presses du Réel-MAMCO, 2011) and Marcel Broodthaers: Moule, muse, méduse (Presses du réel, 2006).
Colin Browne
Colin Browne is a Vancouver-based poet, filmmaker, film historian and Professor Emeritus in the Film program in the Simon Fraser University School for the Contemporary Arts.