Berlin Stories
Ingrid Bachmann
Curated by: Susan Shuppli
Media Release. June 28th, 1993
Ingrid Bachmann: Berlin Stories
JULY 6 TH to JULY 31 ST, 1993
The Or Gallery ends its summer programming with an installation by artist Ingrid Bachmann. Ingrid has spent the last two years working as a program assistant at the Banff Centre for the Arts in Alberta during which time she has produced a number of installation and performance pieces. She is also in the process of coediting a publication that examines contemporary concerns in textiles with a view towards developing a more critical discourse.
The installation Berlin Stories consists of a slide projection, audio and video tape loops, as well as textual material applied directly to the gallery walls. This piece is structured around notions of rhythm and repetition. “I [Ingrid] was interested in exploring the relationship between between personal and collective histories and the role and implication of repetition in both remembering and forgetting. The repetition of words or actions to render those words or actions banal, meaningless, to make them into a pattern or habit, and at the same time, the use of repetition to make something sacred or precious, as in a litany or a mantra.”
Berlin Stories will be Ingrid Bachmann’s first solo exhibition in Vancouver. The exhibition will be accompanied by a brochure with a short critical essay.