Performance & Screenings
2084 (a science-fiction show)
14 October 2012

Convened by: Jonathan Middleton
Participants: Pelini Tan & Anton Vidokle
It’s 2084. Money has been abolished and people exchange information products as tokens of exchange. States have become ungovernable and borders have been redrawn by powerful individuals. Art has fully colonized life and every aspect of daily existence has become aesthetic. What used to be museums have now become data centers. Being is perpetual self-design. No one has a profession. There is no more work. A group of people may meet in a city that was once called Berlin, and there they will discuss the possibilities for independent cultural production…
2084 is a film directed by sociologist Pelin Tan and artist Anton Vidokle, commissioned by Or Gallery, on the occasion of the Institutions by Artists project, with the support of the BC Arts Council’s Innovations program.
With: Raimundas Malasauskas, Lauryn Youden, Michael Baers, Ahmet Ogut, Anna Elise Johnson, Jonathan Middleton, Tisha Mukarji, Kinga Kielczynska, Shuddhabrata Sengupta, Arlette Quynh Anh Tran, William Bennen, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Klaus Hu, Rachel Alliston, Anton Vidokle and Pelin Tan.
Directed by Pelin Tan and Anton Vidokle
Camera: Derek Howard
Edited by Anton Vidokle and Derek Howard
Sound design Tisha Mukarji
22:38, 2012
Special thanks to Hito Steyerl and Julieta Aranda.