Performance & Screenings
Breathing Room performance with keyon gaskin
1 February 2019

Photo: Denise Ryner
Convened by: Western Front, Pablo de Ocampo
Participants: Pablo de Ocampo
An Informal Presentation with keyon gaskin
On Friday February 1 at 5pm, Or Gallery and Western Front co-present this event with keyon gaskin. Working with and against the impossibilities of linguistic expression to represent gesture and embodiment, this free form engagement features the artist moving, thinking, and/or speaking through and around their practice.
*This event is free and will take place in the EDAM studios on the ground floor of Western Front (303 East 8th Ave, Vancouver)
**please note this event will start on time and will only be one hour in duration!
Participant Bios
keyon gaskin
keyon gaskin’s artist statement reads “keyon gaskin prefers not to contextualize their art with their credentials.”
Their practice develops gesture and embodiment as a means of entangling space, audience, artist, curator, gallery and sites beyond.