Performance & Screenings
Clamour and Toll
17 February 2010

Convened by: Eli Bornowsky (Guest Curator), Jonathan Middleton (Director Curator)
Participants: C\R\I\T\I\C\S, Josh Rose, Absurdus, Christian Nicolay, Ya-chu Kang
The Candahar Bar
PTC Studio, 3rd Floor
1398 Cartwright Street
Granville Island, Vancouver, BC
10$ (with 5 dollars redeemable for food/drinks)
Please NOTE: Due to capacity we suggest you arrive early.
Clamour and Toll is the first in a series of evening performances based in Vancouver’s robust noise/performance community. Vancouver has a history of conflating experimental music and performance art. In the 1960’s and 70’s, free improvised jazz influenced the performances of artists such as Eric Metcalfe, Hank Bull, Al Neil and others. Since then spaces such as the Western Front, Blim, 1067, Sugar Refinery, and Emergency Room have served as hubs for performances where sound is an important component. This series seeks to explore this element of performance, where sound is the agent that propels the performer creating an immersive world in which the performance takes place.