Book LaunchSpecial Event

Or Gallery at the 2015 Tokyo Art Book Fair

20 September
21 September 2015

*BOOTH 36*

The Or Gallery is pleased to be participating in the 7th annual Tokyo Art Book Fair. The event takes place at the Kyoto University of Art and Design/Tohoku University of Art and Design Gaien Campus, and will feature more than 300 publishers and bookmakers from around the world.

The Or Gallery will be presenting a selection of its books and records at the fair, including Ten Shows by Barb Choit; Brady Cranfield & Jamie Hilder’s Night Shift LP; Exercises in Kinesthetic Drawing and Other Drawing by Aaron Carpenter; Cockatoo Island by Ron Terada; If I wanted to sit on the sand I wouldn’t have brought this log by Steven Brekelmans and Fiona Curtis; 12 Sun Songs by Cranfield & Slade; and Stan Douglas’s seminal Vancouver Anthology, featuring essays by Keith Wallace, Sara Diamond, Nancy Shaw, Maria Insell, William Wood, Carol Williams, Robin Peck, Robert Linsley, Scott Watson, and Marcia Crosby.

The Or Gallery will also present its 2014 Risograph Portfolio, featuring prints by Lorna Brown, Aaron Carpenter, and Marina Roy.

Special thanks to the Canada Council for the Arts, Audience and Market Development Office. Thanks also to Makiko Hara for translation support.

More Information: Tokyo Art Book Fair

Convened by: Jonathan Middleton (Director Curator)

Tokyo Art Book Fair

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Ten Shows
Barb Choit

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Brady Cranfield & Jamie Hilder
Night Shift

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Aaron Carpenter
Exercises in Kinesthetic Drawing and Other Drawing

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Ron Terada
Cockatoo Island

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Vancouver Anthology (2nd ed.)