
The Syndicate of Public Speakers: Eight Times an Unknown Quantity

6 February 2010
11:00AM - 4:30PM

Invented by Portland novelist/publisher Matthew Stadler and curator Stephanie Snyder, Public Speakers is a collective of autonomous cells in five cities that commissions and presents new public lectures for a popular audience. Past events include Psychedelic Logging and Monkey Wreaks Havoc in Suburbia.


Eight times an unknown quantity brings together eight — or more — speakers presenting lectures for Vancouver’s first-ever Public Speakers event.


Betsey Brock (Seattle)
Eric Fredericksen (Seattle)
Hadley + Maxwell (Berlin)
Jonathan Middleton (Vancouver)
Jeanne Randolph (Winnipeg)
Kathleen Ritter (Vancouver)
Matthew Stadler (Portland)

Convened by: Jonathan Middleton

Participants: Betsey Brock, Eric Fredericksen, Hadley + Maxwell, Jonathan Middleton, Jeanne Randolph, Kathleen Ritter, Matthew Stadler

Six Acres

203 Carrall Street
Vancouver, BC