• Who That Happens –Hadley+Maxwell
  • Who That Happens –Hadley+Maxwell
  • Who That Happens –Hadley+Maxwell
  • Who That Happens –Hadley+Maxwell

Who That Happens


2 April
28 May 2011

Curated by: Jonathan Middleton

Who That Happens


Curated by: Jonathan Middleton

The Or Gallery is pleased to announce Who That Happens, a new sculptural installation by Berlin-based artists Hadley+Maxwell.


Who That Happens is part of an ongoing investigation of the theme Improperties, a term the artists have coined to describe a desired shift in material sensibilities, both in the act of artistic making and its reception. The cut, from the Latin root of the word decision, is used as a formal device to bring together a series of works that focus on the undecidable status of the human: a being that defines itself as both not-animal and not-divine. In these works, the figure of the cut is presented as a literal manifestation of the decision. However, the cut, or separation, is also the means by which metaphysical ideas such as spatiality, contingency, mortality, and otherness can be figured as interior boundaries within a sense of being-together in the world. In this exhibition the emphasis is on the wandering nature of human subjectivity, expressed not only in the arbitrary nature of the placement of the cuts, the multiplication of surfaces, but also the mobile character of the materials used (for instance, objects found in flea-markets or purchased on e-bay). Ultimately, this structure allows for a wandering interest, historically and intuitively, in the making and presenting of this growing body of work.

Exhibition Documentation

Artist Bio