- Hurry Slowly
- Hurry Slowly
- Hurry Slowly
- Hurry Slowly
Hurry Slowly
20 March–
17 April 2004
Curated by: Sydney Hermant
Free Admission
T. +1 604.683.7395
20 March–
17 April 2004
Curated by: Sydney Hermant
Hurry Slowly, exhibition at Or Gallery, 2004.
Hurry Slowly, exhibition at Or Gallery, 2004.
Hurry Slowly, exhibition at Or Gallery, 2004.
Eleanor Morgan, Installation view of Squirrel Digging, 2004.
Eleanor Morgan, Installation view of Squirrel Digging, 2004.
Jen Weih, Installation view of Apollo Hall, 2004.
Hurry Slowly
Hannah Jickling and Valerie Salez, Demian Petryshyn, Eleanor Morgan, Jeremy Diggle, Leigh Bridges, Nadia Myre, Jen Weih
Curated by: Sydney Hermant
Hurry Slowly pertains to notions of time: social, historical, and to it’s relationship with artistic process.
“…a message of urgency obtained by dint of patient and meticulous adjustments and an intuition so instantaneous that, when formulated, it acquires the finality of something that could never have been otherwise. But it is also the rhythm of time that passes with no other aim than to let feelings and thoughts settle down, mature, and shed all impatience or ephemeral contingency.”
–Italo Calvino Quickness