• by dint of groping –Kathy Slade
  • by dint of groping –Kathy Slade
  • by dint of groping –Kathy Slade
  • by dint of groping –Kathy Slade

by dint of groping

Kathy Slade

7 December
31 December 1993

Curated by: Susan Shuppli

by dint of groping

Kathy Slade

Curated by: Susan Shuppli

Media Release. November 20, 1993


Kathy Slade: by dint of groping


Opening (8pm) DECEMBER 7 until 31, 1993


This installation by Vancouver artist Kathy Slade will complete the Or Gallery’s 1993 programming.


The artist has stated that by dint of groping is a continuation of her investigation of’ fictitious female selfhood ‘. The new work at the Or Gallery takes the form of a mixed media installation. lt focuses specifically on gothic novels written by women and the relationship between female heroes and the architecture that frames them within this writing. by dint of groping consists of six large, elaborately framed canvases which have been laminated with photographs and text excerpts from the novels. This work explores the notion of portraiture and the affinities between narrative and pictorial art which can be found in most gothic writing of this kind.


The exhibition by dint of groping will be accompanied by a collaborative text written by Lisa Robertson.