• Welcome to Vancouver –Johanna Burke, Matt Dilling
  • Welcome to Vancouver –Johanna Burke, Matt Dilling
  • Welcome to Vancouver –Johanna Burke, Matt Dilling
  • Welcome to Vancouver –Johanna Burke, Matt Dilling

Welcome to Vancouver

Johanna Burke, Matt Dilling

20 July
10 August 2002

Curated by: Sydney Hermant

Welcome to Vancouver

Johanna Burke, Matt Dilling

Curated by: Sydney Hermant

Welcome to Vancouver, a Restful Scenic Vista, is an installation created to evoke a sense of peace and rest from the surrounding world; a place to stop for reflection, and enjoy a cool frosty beverage while doing so. In post 9/11 New York City, artists and residents have lived in a constant state of alert. The artists have taken the opportunity of this show to escape from the stress of everyday life in New York, and seek refuge in the evergreen playground. Their show reflects both the desire to lead a peaceful existence and the desire to escape to a fantasyland.


Part scenic vista and roadside rest station, part dollhouse, and part funhouse, Burke and Dilling have transformed the Or Gallery into a place where every view is an artificial vista, where guests and residence of Vancouver alike can come and escape. They have assigned gallery director Sydney Hermant the role of Park Ranger, setting up an office for her in the gallery on a picnic bench and outfitting the gallery staff with matching forest green uniforms. They have also put Sydney in charge of “The Guide to Vancouver,” asking her to map out her favorite restaurants, bars, and sites around the city, then posting her choices on maps pinned up in the gallery. These maps act visually to unite the gallery, the gallery director, and where she escapes to in Vancouver.


Scenic Vista Ranger Guide Instruction Manual

Or Gallery restful scenic vista July 2002

by j.burke + m.dilling


When you wear the uniform you are a ranger in the or gallery’s restful scenic vista. The ranger is a helpful tour guide and host/hostess and is on hand to facilitate the viewing experience in the gallery. Your office is the picnic table – feel free to go about your normal gallery tasks and let people approach you. Try to not prey on visitors. When a guest ventures over you may introduce yourself and offer a beverage.


Some sample scripts:

“Hello, welcome to the or gallery, let me know if here is anything that I can help you with today.”

“Hello, my name is Sydney/Sara. Would you like some iced tea while you enjoy the view?”

“If there are any other restful places you would like to share I can mark them on our scenic vista map…” use map pins and sharpie. Feel free to make extra notes on a post it for complicated directions. These could be compiled later into a guidebook?


Try to remain professional at all times. If people are rude you can warn them that they will be asked to leave the park if they do not comply with the rules. The rules are at the discretion of the ranger on duty.


Guest rangers: anyone with a love of the Vancouver area who wants to share their knowledge can apply to be a guest ranger at the or gallery. Guest rangers will be on hand to help facilitate discussion of the area and offer their pix for adventures outside the gallery. Guests can post a special list on the scenic vista map. Something like “top ten places of rest by xxxguest” the guest ranger wears any uniform parts that fit: the guest hat, apron, pants, and extra shirt…


There is no pay for being a guest ranger, but a gift pack of thanks will be offered which includes a complementary souvenir of Canada and a scenic screen saver signed by the artists.


Weekly ranger report: the artists would like to hear of the weekly happenings in the gallery once they are in NYC. Please keep a “log” of significant events.


There are special brown cups with disposable plastics inserts to use for beverage service.


Thankyou!! We hope this environment remains a peaceful place to work once we leave… we love Vancouver!!