- Faithful Portraits
- Faithful Portraits
- Faithful Portraits
- Faithful Portraits
Faithful Portraits

Contributors: Petra Rigby Watson
Artist: Michelle Normoyle
Contributors: Petra Rigby Watson
Artist: Michelle Normoyle
Michelle Normoyle, 1988.
Essay by Petra Rigby Watson
“Normoyle’s undercutting of symbolic order in Faithful Portraits has selected, more often than not, the masculine subject as the representative generic mode. In this reference, the masculine is deconstructed or deferred from exerting influence as the active subject of identification within the cinematic gaze…As Normoyle posits, as central, the process of cinematic vision, or a rupture of the terms of cinematic engagement, as guided by both image and narrative, consequently pleasure and subjective production, a re-reading of the symbolic order of cinematic codes may no longer be guided by the motivations of fetishistic and voyeuristic modes of subject identification, the mediations of presence, but remain in situation to establish as problematic the reality of cinematic vision.”