Performance & Screenings
Winnipeg Babysitter at Club PuSh
26 January 2013

Convened by: Jonathan Middleton (Director Curator)
Participants: Daniel Barrow
Club PuSh at Performance Works on Granville Island
1218 Cartwright Street, 19+
The Or Gallery is pleased to participate as a Community Partner in the presentation of Winnipeg Babysitter at Club PuSh as part of the 2013 PuSh Festival.
In the late 70s and throughout the 80s, Winnipeg experienced a ‘golden age’ of public access television whereby almost anyone with a creative dream was granted airtime and professional production services. When the archives of these precious gems were destroyed, artist Daniel Barrow went to work hunting down original producers, collectors and enthusiasts in order to salvage the footage. Part documentary and part performance project, Winnipeg Babysitter brings to light the outrageous and shameless personalities of public access television.
Visit “PuSh”
Tickets: $29 — Additional service charges apply to phone orders. Eligible for PuSh Pass access.