Sister, Sister
Nicole + Ryan
Curated by: Michèle Faguet
For Sister, Sister collaborative duo Nicole + Ryan utilize their trajectory from Vancouver to Omaha and back as the basis for an imagined sister city relationship. Invited by the Bemis Center for the Contemporary Arts to perform an artist residency, the couple lived in Omaha, Nebraska for a period of three months. There, they initiated a series of works that examine ideas of cultural twinning through reference to the ubiquitous live/work studio model. Previously the artists have identified their live/work space in Vancouver as a conceptual frame in working through issues of site specificity, cultural mobility, and urbanism.
Sister, Sister continues these investigations with nicole + ryan hosting the Or gallery for the duration of the exhibition. The newly designated OR gallery will be located at 882 East Hastings Street with gallery operations and hours remaining the same.
Inspired by the late 19th century boosterism of Omaha’s Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben, Nicole + Ryan hope to bring a little flavour to their own city. Revuocnav now.