In Search of Queertopias
A Conversation with Elliott Ramsey and Nathan Clark
20 July 2023

Amanda Amour-Lynx, Skite’kmujuawti, MP4 Video, 2:10, 2017. Audio: Riley Claire Sato. Courtesy of the artist.
Join us for a conversation between Polygon Gallery curator, Elliott Ramsey, and In Search of Queertopias guest curator, Nathan Clark, as they explore themes of Queer Futurism, worldbuilding and the power of the queer body in spatial intervention.
Moderated by Erin Silver and Nuno Porto of the UBC Critical and Curatorial Studies MA Program, the public critique and discussion will be followed by an audience Q&A.
This program is presented in partnership with the Killy Foundation and the Audain Endowment for Curatorial Studies through the Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory in collaboration with the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery at The University of British Columbia.
This event is free and open to all. Please RSVP here: