Performance & Screenings
Institutions by Artists: The Convention streaming live at Or Gallery Berlin
13 October 2012

Here at Or Gallery Berlin we invite you to join us for an evening of lectures and beverages. We are pleased to be streaming live States and Markets: session five and six of Institution by Artists: The Convention.
Institutions by Artists: The Convention
October 12 – 14, 2012
Vancouver, Canada
Institutions by Artists is a three day, international event that evaluates and activates the performance and promise of contemporary artist-run centres and initiatives.
Throughout the Institutions by Artists week, artist-run centres will present special projects that link to the themes of the Convention. From internet art pioneers, to grassroots cinema collectives, to media pirates and institutional revisionists, this series of presentations will invite and engage the public to meet visiting artists, and to examine the many phenomena impacting and defining artist-run institutions globally.
Convening a world congress of artists, curators, critics, and academics, Institutions by Artists will deliberate, explore, and advance the common interests of artist-run centres, collectives, and cultures, creating a catalyst for new as well as divergent assessments and perspectives on such phenomena today. Using experimental formats, performative frameworks, and participatory vehicles, the three day series of events is designed to challenge and generate new thinking about artist-run initiatives globally, examining many dimensions whether urban or rural, fixed or mobile, and local or regional, among others. Inspired by the many artists wrestling creatively with building, using, shaping, and deploying institutions by artists,we will explore economies of exchange and knowledge; institutional time and space; as well as intimate and professional networks, among other critical interrogations.
Inspired by the Vancouver convergence of ARCS from over 25 countries at InFest (2004), PAARC will host Institutions by Artists, in October 2012, to measure the distance between the performance and the promise of artist run centres and initiatives. A world congress of artists, curators, critics, and academics will deliberate, explore, and advance the common and mutual interests of international artist-run centres and cultures in a multi-day Convention.
Institutions by Artists is a project of Pacific Association of Artist Run Centres (PAARC), Fillip magazine, and Artist-Run Centres and Collectives Conference / La Conférence des collectifs et des centres d’artistes autogérés (ARCCC/CCCAA, aka ARCA.)
Live Stream
As part of the upcoming Institutions by Artists Convention taking place this weekend, Fillip and the Pacific Association of Artist Run Centres is pleased to present a free live stream of the entire event.
The live stream will be broadcast over two channels, one for each of the conference’s concurrent sessions, and will be available through Fillip’s website all weekend. Full video documentation of the conference will be posted in the weeks that follow.
Regional Screenings
In collaboration with Or Berlin and the Fine Arts Reading Room, Fillip invites you to join friends and colleagues in Berlin and Montreal to watch the live stream of the weekend’s events.
Or Berlin:
Oranienstraße 37
Berlin, Germany
Fine Arts Reading Room:
EV 2.785, 1455 de Maisonneuve O.
Montreal, Canada