VISR: Denise Ferreira Da Silva
26 March 2018
Convened by: Denise Ryner
Participants: Denise Ferreira Da Silva
We are very excited to welcome Denise Ferreira da Silva as the next speaker in the Spring Semester of the Vancouver Institute of Social Research.
Spring 2018 Semester: The Body, Movement, Technology, Apparatus
Movement, gesture, protocol, and choreography of specific bodies are continuous in language, politics, technology and other structures that signify and organize material. This semester of the Vancouver Institute of Social Research seeks to discuss ways in which the body and systems co-articulate each other and the inertias of power that attempt to frame them and the disruptions to various sovereignties that emerge. These discussions will take place also as a way to gesture towards the morphing forms of capture that are developing within the everyday hand-to-hand combat with apparatuses.
Participant Bios
Denise Ferreira Da Silva
Denise Ferreira da Silva’s academic writings and artistic practice address the ethical questions of the global present and target the metaphysical and ontoepistemological dimensions of modern thought. She is a Professor and Director of The Social Justice Institute (GRSJ) at the University of British Columbia, Adjunct Professor of Fine Arts, at Monash University (Melbourne, Australia), and Visiting Professor of Law, at Birkbeck University of London. She is the author of Toward a Global Idea of Race (2007) and co-editor of Race, Empire, and The Crisis of the Subprime (with Paula Chakravartty, 2013. Her art-related work includes texts for publications linked to the 2016 Liverpool and Sao Paulo Biennales, Documenta 14, the award-wining film Serpent Rain (w/ Arjuna Neuman), and events (performances, talks, and private sessions) and texts that part of her practice, Poethical Readings and the Sensing Salon (in collaboration with Valentina Desideri).