- When Pain Strikes –Bill Burns
- When Pain Strikes –Bill Burns
- When Pain Strikes –Bill Burns
- When Pain Strikes –Bill Burns
When Pain Strikes
Bill Burns
10 September–
28 September 1991
Curated by: Susan Shuppli
When Pain Strikes
Bill Burns
Curated by: Susan Shuppli
The Or Gallery presents Montreal artist, Bill Burns, exhibition, When Pain Strikes, a new series of work centering around the pharmaceutical industry. Bill Burns considers the pill a metaphor for the ingestion of capital through the body. The exhibition consists of large framed cibachromes and 3 miniaturized pill processing plants which are displayed in glass cases.
Brochure compiled by Cathy Busby
When Pain Strikes is accompanied by a satirical text by Cathy Busby
Bill Burns
Bayer Aspirin
For cold or flu Doctors recommend;
1.Rest in bed
2.Drink plenty of fluid
3. Take aspirin to reduce fever and relieve pain… works wonders
New Housing A public housing officer about to tell an elderly couple that they are to be evicted from their condemned rental apartment in less than a week is upset at the coming confrontation. The housing officer comes down with a headache, the kind that afflicts “sensitive people.” He pops two Bufferin. In moments he is calm and smiling.
Housing Official: That’s the way it is. So you’ll have to be out by Thursday.
Home Owner: You know, our kids were born right here.
Announcer: “Bufferin. For sensitive people. It’s much better than plain aspirin.”
The Starter, the Reliever
The starter. . . The reliever. . . Every fifth day, Nolan Ryan rears back his 44-year-old arm and throws 75 fastballs about 90 miles per hour. . . So, it’s not surprising that after the last out is made, the muscle aches begin for Nolan Ryan. Of course that’s just about the time Nolan reaches for Advil. Advil is all the relief he needs. . . You see, he’s discovered that just one Advil is as effective as two regular-strength Tylenol acetaminophen. . . And when he’s not pitching, Nolan has found that Advil works well on headache, backache, and sprains and strains. But Advil doesn’t upset your stomach the way aspirin sometimes can. . . Even if you don’t throw as hard as Nolan, your muscles can ache just as much. . . Today there’s Advil, “the relief” for muscle aches. . . ADVANCED MEDICINE FOR PAIN.
“Mothers cannot get sick!”
“When I have a cold, it settles in my head. . . I have this feeling that I just can’t make it through the day. Well, mothers can’t afford to do this. So, I take a couple of Exedrin . . . and then I can go on about my work.”*
For the relief of the painful discomfort of colds try Exedrin-the extra-strength pain reliever. Tablet for tablet, Exedrin is 50% stronger than aspirin for relief of headache pain-yet just as safe. This added strength goes to work on the aches and fever of colds, too! Exedrin analgesic tablets, the extra-strength pain reliever.
*Exerpts form unrehearsed interview with Mrs. Frances Cipriano
In 22 Seconds
In 22 seconds after entering your bloodstream Anacin is speeding relief to your headache pain. . . strongest in the pain-reliever doctors recommend most. . . Anacin contains more of this pain-relieving medication than any leading tablet.
Anacin is strongest in the pain-reliever doctors recommend most. That’s why Anacin Tablets gives you extra power to relieve headache pain.
With Anacin, relief comes fast! In 22 seconds after entering your bloodstream, Anacin is speeding relief direct to your headache. Not only does pain go quickly, but also its nervous tension and depression. You will experience remarkable “all-over” relief.
Remember, no tablet you can buy has the strong yet safe formulation in Anacin. See if Anacin Tablets, with their smooth, gentle action, don’t work better for you. Buy Anacin today.
Standard Eguipment
“Standard equipment of the 1992 U.S. Olympic Team. Pain is part of any training for the Olympic Games. And Nuprin is standard equipment for pain. The medicine in Nuprin works right at the sight of pain. Nuprin stops pain right where it hurts. Use only as directed. Take one tablet. Two tablets may be used if pain does not respond.”
Jittery Nerves
“Announcer: . . . Anacin has a combination of ingredients to relieve pain fast, calm jittery nerves fast, relax tension fast!
Woman: (sigh of complete relief) What relief!
Announcer: Anacin for fast, fast relief!”
-Information in this pamphlet compiled and edited by Cathy Busby, Montreal, 1991,
Canadian Art, Fall 1991 by Stephen Godfrey “Fast”