• dia-bollein and sym-bollien abracadabra –Chris Campbell Gardiner
  • dia-bollein and sym-bollien abracadabra –Chris Campbell Gardiner
  • dia-bollein and sym-bollien abracadabra –Chris Campbell Gardiner
  • dia-bollein and sym-bollien abracadabra –Chris Campbell Gardiner

dia-bollein and sym-bollien abracadabra

Chris Campbell Gardiner

21 March
26 April 2008

Curated by: Michèle Faguet (Guest Curator), Jonathan Middleton (Director Curator)

dia-bollein and sym-bollien abracadabra

Chris Campbell Gardiner

Curated by: Michèle Faguet (Guest Curator), Jonathan Middleton (Director Curator)

Gardiner’s boxes, minimal in appearance, yet elaborately and painstakingly fabricated, draw both from a Duchampian interest in the unseen and ephemeral as well as a totemic mysticism. The containers are meant to house secret objects, and intangibles such as ideas and emotions – most particularly anxiety. Gardiner’s works are laboured over, almost obsessively. Exteriors are stitched and later painted, and the interiors are often lined with lead, as an “anti-espionage measure”, preventing the use of x-ray photography to discover the contents.

Exhibition Documentation

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