• Love Stories –Henry Tsang
  • Love Stories –Henry Tsang
  • Love Stories –Henry Tsang
  • Love Stories –Henry Tsang

Love Stories

Henry Tsang

3 March
21 March 1992

Curated by: Susan Shuppli

Love Stories

Henry Tsang

Curated by: Susan Shuppli

Press Release


Henry Tsang
Love Stories


The Or Gallery completes its winter program series on cross-cultural investigations with an exhibition of new works by visual artist and curator Henry Tsang. He has been active in developing a broader context for the consideration of contemporary art practices; in particular those discussions that challenge Eurocentric values. As a co-curator of SELF NOT WHOLE, a multidisciplinary exhibition presented at the Chinese Cultural Centre, Henry demonstrated his commitment to extending these discussions beyond the traditional venues for the production and ratification of art. As a member of the Association for Non-Commercial Culture he produced a site specific surveillance piece for last summer’s PRIVATE ADDRESSES show. His work has also been included in the travelling GOYA TO BEIJING exhibition, commemorating the June 4th 2989 Massacre in Tiananmen Square. Love Stories at the Or Gallery will be Henry Tsang’s first solo exhibition in four years and so it is of course eagerly anticipated.


Love Stories continues Henry’s explorations of the mechanisms of intra-racial desire.