• The Conference of the Birds and Baghdad Commemorative Billboard Project –Jamelie Hassan
  • The Conference of the Birds and Baghdad Commemorative Billboard Project –Jamelie Hassan
  • The Conference of the Birds and Baghdad Commemorative Billboard Project –Jamelie Hassan
  • The Conference of the Birds and Baghdad Commemorative Billboard Project –Jamelie Hassan

The Conference of the Birds and Baghdad Commemorative Billboard Project

Jamelie Hassan

14 January
1 February 1992

Curated by: Susan Shuppli

The Conference of the Birds and Baghdad Commemorative Billboard Project

Jamelie Hassan

Curated by: Susan Shuppli

Part of the Or Gallery’s series of collaborations between writers and artists whose works engages with and develops a ‘local’ context for a discussion of the politics of difference. Jamelie Hassan’s, The Conference of the Birds and Baghdad Commemorative Billboard Project, is well received in part because of its timely reference to the anniversary of the Persian Gulf War and the concurrent Mid-East peace talks and in part to its equally timely discussion of local colour and difference. Hassan has produced a new installation for the gallery as well as a public-billboard project. Both of these works reference the political activities and histories of the Middle-East which has in the past informed a great deal of Jamelie’s art production.


Hassan’s exhibition and Billboard were presented on BCTV in a 10 minute news segment. The artist also gave an informed radio interview and participated in numerous talks through out the city.


Catalogue essays by Heesok Chang, Kirsten McAllister, Larissa Lai, BC TV interview aired during recap of Persian Gulf War.