- Science Fiction 15
- Science Fiction 15
- Science Fiction 15
- Science Fiction 15
Science Fiction 15
12 March–
21 May 2011
Curated by: Jonathan Middleton
Science Fiction 15, exhibition at Or Gallery, 2011.
Science Fiction 15, exhibition at Or Gallery, 2011.
Science Fiction 15, exhibition at Or Gallery, 2011.
Science Fiction 15, exhibition at Or Gallery, 2011.
Science Fiction 15
Shannon Bool, Steven Brekelmans, Andreas Bunte, Aleksandra Domanović, Håvard Pedersen, Andrea Pinheiro, Jeremy Shaw, Mark Soo, Kara Uzelman
Curated by: Jonathan Middleton
The Or Gallery is pleased to announce Science Fiction 15, the latest exhibition in its series of 88 Science Fiction related exhibitions planned over a 260 year period, and the second exhibition of the newly established Or Gallery Berlin satellite.
Science Fiction 15 takes up a similar focus on speculation proposed in the exhibition Science Fiction 01 at the Or Gallery in Vancouver (June 27 – August 1, 2009), but places somewhat more emphasis on material, fractured sense of time and space and altered, even hallucinatory, perspectives as components of the genre.
Science Fiction exhibitions numbered 02 through 14 include last summer’s When a day you know to be Wednesday, starts off sounding like Sunday, you know there is something seriously wrong somewhere a project for the International Chilliwack Biennial loosely organized around apocalypse and John Wyndham’s novel Day of the Triffids, plus a number of older Or Gallery exhibitions recently and retroactively included in this series. A list of these exhibitions will be available at the gallery.
In Kooperation mit der Botschaft von Kanada/In collaboration with the Embassy of Canada. Image: Steven Brekelmans Signs (Beginning & End), 2010
Or Gallery Berlin
Institutional Partner:
Canadian Embassy in Berlin
Exhibition Opening:
March 12