• You're Still Here And So Are We
  • You're Still Here And So Are We
  • You're Still Here And So Are We
  • You're Still Here And So Are We


You're Still Here And So Are We


Artist: Bas Jan Ader, Víctor Albarracín, Robert Arndt, David Askevold, Debra Baxter, Cedric Bomford, Marianne Bos, Derek Brunen, Clint Burnham, Elkin Calderón, Juan Céspedes, Dana Claxton, Phil Collins, Wilson Díaz, Stephan Dillemuth, Paul Gellman, Tomás Giraldo

Edited by: Michèle Faguet


Bas Jan Ader, Víctor Albarracín, Robert Arndt, David Askevold, Debra Baxter, Cedric Bomford, Marianne Bos, Derek Brunen, Clint Burnham, Elkin Calderón, Juan Céspedes, Dana Claxton, Phil Collins, Wilson Díaz, Stephan Dillemuth, Paul Gellman, Tomás Giraldo


Edited by Michèle Faguet, 2007


You’re Still Here And So Are We documents Michèle Faguet’s exhibition programming from January 2006 to June 2007, while curator/director of the Or Gallery.


Price: $10 CDN