
VISR: Closing Panel

2 April 2018

Moderated by Justine A. Chambers.


In this panel that closes off the VISR semester, ideas and issues around creative movement practices and their relationship to both aesthetics of activism and political protocols that move bodies will be discussed. Differentiations between metaphor, reality, and analogous relationships between these often-siloed practices, and politics as a form of choreography are of interest to the panel.


Spring 2018 Semester: The Body, Movement, Technology, Apparatus


Movement, gesture, protocol, and choreography of specific bodies are continuous in language, politics, technology and other structures that signify and organize material. This semester of the Vancouver Institute of Social Research seeks to discuss ways in which the body and systems co-articulate each other and the inertias of power that attempt to frame them and the disruptions to various sovereignties that emerge. These discussions will take place also as a way to gesture towards the morphing forms of capture that are developing within the everyday hand-to-hand combat with apparatuses.